Go From Paper to Digital With ABC SmartStorage
202-667-9222 x2203
ABC SmartStorage is an all-in-one document retention and management platform that replaces and improves physical document archives. By scanning your physical documents and archiving them in a secure and dedicated cloud-based repository, SmartStorage allows 24/7 access to all your documents from anywhere in the world without ongoing physical storage expenses.
Save time and money by eliminating monthly physical storage expenses and document retrieval headaches.
Secure documents online with industry-standard AES-256 encryption and backup redundancy, increasing security and eliminating risk of loss due to fire, water/flooding, or other natural risk factors that come with physical storage.
Enjoy fast and easy access to your entire document library any time any place through your dedicated online portal. If you prefer an offline deliverable, files can be formatted to physical hard drives.
How it Works
We create digital copies of all your physical documents by scanning and repairing damage and imperfections when necessary. Scanning can be done onsite at your office or through any of our ABC Imaging shop locations worldwide.
Digitized copies of your documents are uploaded to our proprietary online file management system and are accessible to your organization through a secure dedicated portal. All documents are backed up with multiple layers of redundancy and secured using AES-256 encryption
Save time and money by eliminating physical storage. After the document conversion is complete, you are provided a secure login to access and download documents at any time, from any place with an internet connection. For secure disposal of physical documents, shredding services can be included as a part of your SmartStorage package.
Save time sorting through boxes with immediate online access to all documents
Save money by cutting recurring monthly physical storage costs.

Documents are secured using AES-256 encryption in a dedicated portal.
Collaborate with your team and access documents from anywhere in the world